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The 2 Marys – The Safe Harbor and The Crucible: Coming Full Circle for a Synergistic Future

Writer's picture: Wendy HamiltonWendy Hamilton

17 October 2024

Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary first started coming into my energetic sphere around the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene, July 22.  I was brought a meditation that featured a red rose with a smaller blue rose embedded within the center, laying on a golden rose-shaped plate, two related yet separate objects united by their lineage.  When I saw the blue rose embedded within the red rose, I knew what I was being directed to write about.  It is something I knew I should have written about several years ago, but resisted due to the sensitivity and divisiveness of the topic, but now I know that I can no longer resist the call that the Universe has placed before me. 

     In January of 2021 I sent out a collective root chakra healing crystal grid.  It was a healing I had been working on since November of 2020.  The inspiration for this healing was catalyzed by the contentious US Election in that month, and my desire to bring some balance and calm to a situation clearly driven by deep-seated fears surrounding unexpected loss (loss of identity), unstoppable change, and poverty consciousness.  Below is an excerpt from the writing that went with that healing crystal grid:


     I've known I was supposed to put this healing mandala together for the last two months, but my guides had not wanted me to send it out until now. The energy was not yet coherent, but now, finally, is the time for reunification. In the simplest terms, reunification is the restoration of unity, bringing back into balance that which has been overburdened and un-tempered. When we look to others to supplement our self-worth we do not stand in our own authority. Our discernment becomes impaired and our footing, our entire foundation, becomes faulty and unstable. We believe that compromise and cooperation is a loss. There can be no equality because there must always be a winner and loser. It is an either/or situation always!

     Fear resides in our base (root) chakra, and can feel like a well-loved flannel shirt, so comfortable and familiar, yet outworn and ready to be given up. Fear of not having enough, fear of the 'other', fear of the unknown, fear of not being good enough, fear of being unlovable. Fear is paralyzing and blocks our ability to give and receive. Whether it is a physical manifestation, or thoughts and ideas, they will all be blocked until we are able to recognize the falseness of the fear and anxiety we are sitting in and align to our true sovereignty, the light within that is our true essence.


     When I put the root chakra crystal grid together, I intentionally included deep blue crystals with the red crystals in an effort to connect the third eye chakra to the root chakra and provide healing to both, so that any blocks within the root chakra would not cloud the vision of the third eye, but it was deeper than that.  I recognized that you cannot have either blue or red, you must have both elements.  They are both vital to the functioning of the overall organism.


     The two Marys, the Divine Mother, and the Divine Priestess (Twin Flame), are bringing a message of synergy and unity.  Synergy is defined as an interaction or cooperation (unification) of two or more organisms giving rise to a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts; a cohesion that is greater than the sum of their separate effects or efforts. While the fractured nature of the US is clearly on display to the entire world, this county is not the only one affected by division.  This separation is a world-wide phenomenon.  Those is power have always sought to divide and conquer by any means necessary.  When the Marys came to me, they asked me to speak about a few specific things: the energies and meanings of the colors red, blue and purple; and the symbolism of the eagle.



Red –

     In the bible red symbolizes all that is good.  Red is literally life-force, vitality, passion, the blood that sustains life, physical courage, strength, and survival.  Red is our connection to Earth.  It represents burning love and desire, as well as rage and unbridled fury.  It carries the energy of excitement, and urgency, and compels action. No other color in the spectrum carries the same visceral impact as the color red.  It represents the fire element, a potent force of transformation and purification.  It has the power to blaze through obstacles and forge new paths.


     As I was writing this my guides directed me to talk about the importance of the characteristics of blood. in relation to this topic.  Blood is the life force that flows through our veins.  It transports oxygen throughout our body so that we may accomplish the daily tasks of living, but not just living, thriving to become the greatest versions of ourselves.  While in our bodies blood is blue, but once it hits the air it turns red.  There is no changing this simple fact, that both blue and red exist synergistically within every biological entity.  One color is not better than the other, they are each valuable and necessary. 


Blue –

     In the bible blue symbolizes celestial love.  This color is a conduit between the earthly realm and celestial plane.  Blue is inextricably linked to the pursuit of wisdom and truth.  It beckons us to explore the depths of knowledge, encouraging a thirst for understanding that extends beyond surface-level perception and unlocks channels of communication that transcends the physical.  The color blue allows us to separate the truth from illusion, wisdom from ignorance, and embark on a journey of self-discovery that unveils the essential essence of our being.  Blue promotes balance and harmony, and eradicates physical and emotional distress.  This color has the power to reach into the depth or our souls and mend wounds and alleviate burdens stored within our Akash; it encourages the cathartic release of repressed and trapped emotions and leads the way for renewal and rejuvenation.  Blue radiates Universal Divine Love, compassion, understanding, and unity among all beings.  It disintegrates impediments and transcends boundaries, reawakening us to the truth of our interconnectedness.  Under the influence of this color our capacity for empathy and acceptance flourishes; We Recognize The Inherent Beauty And Worth In Every Individual Comprising The Magnificent Golden Web Of Existence.


Purple –

     Purple is a combination of red, associated with the root chakra (stable foundation) and blue, associated with the throat chakra (true expression of self); leading to a true deep connection to our spiritual self (the crown chakra).  The amalgamation of these two colors creates balance, harmony, fulfillment, and deep peace.  The crown chakra is where we have the impulse to understand who we are and where we fit into the grand scheme of things.  This is the place where we integrate what we learn into who we are.  This is where we receive inspiration and aha moments of understanding.  Literally, the crown chakra is THE SOUL’S HOME.

     Purple is the color of royalty and wealth as it is not common in nature.  In ancient times purple was produced by crushing the shells of a specific sea snail native only to the coast of Phoenicia in Tyre.  Because of the labor intensiveness and the limited availability of natural resources to produce the color purple it was reserved exclusively for royals and nobility.  Purple is also the color of mystery and hidden secrets, and represents wisdom, emotional balance, joy, spirituality, and all forms of mysticism. 

     One of the teachers that I used to watch on a regular basis spoke extensively about the purple pill and the importance of embracing The Middle Way.  The answer is neither the red nor the blue pill as The Matrix would have you believe, but a combination of the two.  Many of us already know the importance of balancing between worlds.  We must all learn to walk between the worlds, to create a bridge of unification.  There is important information contained within each element, each existence.  We must recognize that things are not black and white and have never been such.  This existence is one of duality and only through recognizing and embracing both sides will we be able to move forward into the golden future we have been promised.  The qualities of compassion, compromise, unity, cooperation and integrity.  These are the qualities that embody true Christ Consciousness, the higher love we are all longing for.  It is time to Come Home to Our True Royalty and Acknowledge Our Sovereignty and Synergy.


The Eagle –

     For centuries, the symbol of the Eagle has been bastardized as one that represents power, strength, and force over others, as is seen in the US and other countries.  The Eagle, spiritually, represents a deep connection to the spiritual realm.  Eagles are sacred messengers of the Divine bringing the highest truth and deepest love from the Higher Realms.  The Eagle represents the Warrior Spirit (red) of strength, perseverance, bravery, and honor; while seeing beyond the present circumstances to the long range, higher vision (blue).  The Eagle, in legend, has been equated with the The Great Phoenix, having the ability to withstand many trials and tribulations, and yet rise up from the ashes to transform and begin anew. 


     It is time for us to see beyond labels, and propaganda, to unify and become a synergistic entity that can not only survive into the future, but heal, repair, rejuvenate, and thrive to create the world we all feel we should have, not the one we have been sold.  It is time now to break free of the chains that bind us and claim our true freedom. 



"Capricorn Full Moon Activation – Activate Root Chakra Technology: Pillar of Divine Strength” from 8th House Sun


“Ancestral Healing – Mother Lineage – Root Chakra – Karma Cleanse/Subliminal Meditation” from Higher Self Meditations

Oracle Card Credit:

     *Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray

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