25 October 2024

I have written of Kuan Yin in the past describing her softer attributes of peace, compassion, and unity. Her name means the one who perceives the sounds of the world. She is the one who hears the heart felt cries of suffering, the literal breaking of hearts, the chakra known in Sanskrit as Anahata – meaning ‘unstruck’, or a sound produced without touching two parts. All empaths and intuitives feel this, this fierce call of the hearts that surround us. We may try to block it out or blunt it, but it is still there. It is a gift that many of us do not know how to harness. We were not given this gift by accident, it has a purpose, and it is not a curse. Sometimes love is not soft, gentle, or delicate, sometimes love must be fierce, powerful, and strident. Kuan Yin was not just the Mother of Compassion and Mercy, she was also the Master of Dragons. Dragons as I have come to learn are fierce protectors of the ones they love. We are in a time when we must wield love as a weapon and use it fiercely if we wish the whole planet to ascend.
The times we are in call for action. Now is not the time to turn away from the suffering in this world. We do not need to absorb this suffering in order to acknowledge and address it. We must speak the full truth of the situations we see around us, not a portion of that truth and not obfuscate through colorful language or spiritual bypassing. The arc of the moral universe bends toward justice but this precise moment in history requires the strength and numbers of a united force of powerful Arc Benders.
For those who have followed the astrology of the last several years closely we are experiencing many of the same planetary placements and similar degree placements to what were present during the rise of Hitler and Nazism. Now is not the time to turn a blind eye to what is being perpetrated by the powers that were/or hope to be again. Injustices, Improprieties, and Inequities must be called out and must be swiftly dealt with. While it is true that we influence our environment with our thoughts and by raising our vibration, and when united in numbers in such an effort can affect change, we must realize even as spiritual warriors, that we live in a physical 3D reality and even the strongest manifestations require some level of physical, concrete effort in order to cement and maintain. We cannot just sit in our yoga rooms, meditation spaces, or out in nature raising our own vibrations. Yes, this is very important, but we must also take physical action. We Are All Connected. The Butterfly Effect is Real. Whatever small positive action you take, positively impacts the whole. There are however, forces that work against this unity, this compassion, this mercy. They would much rather keep us in fear and in division, because in those states we are weak. Our unstruck hearts are the bridge to the new world. That fierce love, not just for ourselves, but for others, is what unites us and heals this world. We Are All Our Brother’s Keepers.
Oracle Card Credit:
*Kuan Yin Oracle by Alana Fairchild